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Jun 22, 2024: Thought experiment. If Canada could compete in the #Euro24 how would they do? I think they would definitely qualify and depending on their group they …

Dec 5, 2023: The Ghostwriter in the Machine I am fortunate to have had a few excellent mentors and leaders in my career who believed in me and gave me an opportunity to learn, try and fail. How …

Dec 3, 2023: There’s a house similar to mine nearby that is for sale There’s a house similar to mine nearby that is for sale. In any sane country my house would not be worth that much. Overinflated housing prices don’t …

Dec 2, 2023: You, average person trying their best: “I feel guilty if I don’t recycle, buy an EV, stop eating meat and turn down the thermostat.” Them, politicians …

Oct 22, 2023: I’m in Germany on business and they have a Ukrainian TV channel at the hotel. It’s absolutely fascinating and terrifying at the same time

Oct 21, 2023: Air Canada exec 1: Lets create our own proprietary audio plug so everyone has to use headphones that are inevitably shittier than the ones they …

Oct 20, 2023: I think the barista is flirting with me. (It’s me, hi, I’m the barista it’s me)

Oct 8, 2023: I’m starting to think Mac Jones isn’t the answer

Oct 8, 2023: Now that we’re in the post-twitter world where I now have three apps to cover what one once did, I think I’m going to double down on …

Oct 31, 2019: The main reason I’m such a big fan of Halloween. Nine years ago today this little pumpkin made me a dad. Happy birthday Charlotte.

Oct 22, 2019: She finished 24th in her age category in her cross country meet (out of 235) #proud

May 23, 2017: Imagine being a parent who bought their daughter tickets to their first concert. Imagine what you’d do now. How you’d feel. Imagine that …

May 12, 2017: If you think fans of different teams coalesce around a rival simply due to national affiliation you should probably stop covering sports completely, …

May 6, 2017: Is there a sport with more rigid adherence to old tropes and narratives than hockey?

May 5, 2017: My MacBook Air is hanging on by a 4Gb of RAM thread right now but there’s nothing in the current lineup I feel comfortable buying. This seems …

May 5, 2017: Here’s the thing about the playoffs. Every game creates sheer panic on one side and unbridled euphoria on the other. Try not to take either too …

May 5, 2017: It’s amazing how weather impacts life. There are a whole series of things that should be happening now that just aren’t because my brain …